Channel 9 / Allied Press Dunedin, V / Frucor Beverages
Camera Operator, Field Manager, Editor, Production Crew
I originally wasn't supposed to be going on the 10 day event that was our
paid coverage of the Winterfest with the COW TV guys. However a
mixture of events meant that I ended up going as the main camera
operator for most of the shoot. Once in Queenstown we went from
event to event, shot material in our backpackers accomodation, got
foreign tourists to be presenters, went up on the not so snowy slopes
that year and generally made a pain of ourselves to a number of celebs
and event officials - basically what you'd expect of the COWTV guys at
the time.
When we returned with the footage, we had enough material for probably
4 to 5 episodes however we never managed to make more than two due
to the show's producer, who'd often been absent, deciding to change tact
and become full on later in the editing proccess. This caused my co-editor
and presenter to get frustrated with the producers editing of his material
especially, and sadly the production never got the 3rd episode at least
Regardless of the production drama, I had endless amounts of fun
shooting the material and the edits I got to do were mostly always high
energy and showed just how much fun we had shooting the material. I
even got to make blooper reels for each of the episodes to play during the
end credits. Parts of the production could have been smoother, but it was
an event I never expected would be so memorable.